Saturday, August 12, 2006

10 symptoms of a Dying HYIP

Almost all tips below are not new to the old-timer HYIP investors. But for those of you who are clueless about this, it’s time for a read;
1. A HYIP can last from few weeks to few months. If you know the HYIP is X months old already, then it’s nearly at the end of road. X depends on the yield offered, the higher the yield offered, the smaller X will be.
2. HYIP is about a game. Administrators of HYIP must be the ones who are expert in nothing, except a story-making. Normally whatever reasons they give, they all are the last attempt to delay the doomsday.
3. DDOS/hacker. Almost all HYIPs admins talk about DDOS and hackers before the were gone forever.
4. System unstability. Why suddenly after few months the so called system go unstable? Beware, system unstability normally is an uncured sickness to any HYIP and may result in an overall system fatality.
5. Complaints. Take a really sharp observation on this one. Increasing number of complaints indicates something wrong with the program. Don’t simply ignore it.
6. No more cheerleaders. Some of them start talking about another programs and willing to help you with that new program. Maybe you want to check the referral commission they are offering?
7. Admins being busy. You rarely see admins answering questions and entertaining the members. You really miss them.
8. No more please’s. You rarely see admins or members talk in a friendly way. A lot of unsatisfaction around.
9. Website not accessible. Things go tougher nowadays.
10. The page cannot be displayed / Server not found. Oh dear! It’s the great RIP.
Btw, I hope that I’m not offending anyone. Truth hurts, but what make us smarter is to learn from things that we have done yesterday. Cheers!
p/s: not all HYIP programs intended to scam people, but, any program life cycle is about create-run-die. Face it.


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